Alpharetta High School Presents, ANCHOR DOWN YOUR FUTURE
We are excited to announce our upcoming Anchor Down Your Future Fair, taking place on October 10th and 11th! This event is designed to equip our students with the knowledge needed to navigate their futures successfully.
Join us for a variety of enriching activities:
**Mock Interviews, College Essay and Resume Workshops, Career Expo, College Fair, Military Day, & College Case Study Night.
Registration information will soon be posted on our website, school newsletter, and flyers around the school. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to gain valuable insights and prepare for their next steps after graduation. Don’t miss out!
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Peach State Tour
University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, Augusta University, Georgia State University - Various locations - August 27-September 26
Probe College Tour
Harvard, Princeton, UVA, Wellesley, Yale