Join the Board


Do you want to get involved in the AHS PTSA? We are currently looking to fill some VP and chairperson roles.  Please view the VP positions on the AHS PTSA website under "OUR PTSA."  Please email the Nominating Committee at with any questions or to express your interest in a VP or chairperson position by March 15th.

2024-2025 Board Members
Email any board members at 

Board Position




Kimberly Wolf

Leads the AHSPTSA Board, coordinates PTSA programs with the AHS Administration.


Mona Patel

Keeps the minutes of every meeting and North Fulton PTSA and GA State PTA compliance.


Martine Zurinskas

Manages the finances, process expenses, ensures annual audit is complete.

VP Communication

Vergilia Aslami

Website, ENN distribution, Social Media.

VP Financial Support

Erin Linder

Fall Membership Drive

VP Hospitality

Terrie Copeland

Staff hospitality events, student snacks, honors night reception, Teacher appreciation week.

VP School Services


Nicole Mabry

Volunteer support coordination for AHS

VP Special Programs

Pam Levy

Reflections, mini-grant program

VP Student Services

Rachel Carawan

Scholarships/Awards, Special Populations, Dear Me Letters

VP Family Involvement

Karen Douglas

Campus Beautification, Senior Events, Senior Gifts 


June Swift

appointed, ensures bylaws are followed.