2023-2024 AHS PTSA Final Wrap



Thank you to the over 300 Raider families for your support of the AHS PTSA in 2023-2024 with financial support through membership and general donations.  The goal of the AHS PTSA is to collaborate to be a resource for the community, and to support every student at AHS. The board is proud to summarize our key activities with thanks and gratitude to our supporters that made all of the programs the PTSA support a reality for Raider Nation.


PTSA Mini-Grants: PTSA was able to support various staff submitted grants to support school needs. In partnership with the AHS Foundation with $15,770.38 of mini-grants were fulfilled.




PTSA Program Support:  We were able to continue our 9/11 flag dedication on Webb Bridge Road, continue to support staff recognition monthly awards and Teacher & Staff of the Year awards, student awards and scholarships, Reflection Art submissions and exceptional Children’s Week.


PTSA Hospitality: This dedicated team of volunteers supported these events this year: Teacher Appreciation Week, Curriculum night dinner, Student Honors night, Pre and Post Planning Staff Lunch, Student Snack Day celebrations, and several staff snacks!


PTSA Volunteers: We coordinated a team of volunteers during the year dedicated to lending a hand when needed at the front office, media center, attendance office and many other special needs. These volunteers contribute over 900 hours annually to AHS. Thank you for your support. Add your name to the 2024-2025 Volunteer List CLICK HERE.


Senior Committee: These parent volunteers worked tirelessly to support special events for the Class of 2024. These events included: Sr. Tailgate, Shirts, Yard signs, snacks, lunch, games and silver envelopes. Thank you to ALL the senior volunteers who worked hard to make lasting senior memories for the Class of 2024! Special thanks to the leaders: Kimberly Wolf, Vergilia Aslami and Rachel Bak. Best wishes to the Class of 2024 - #AlwaysARaider. 


In closing the AHS PTSA board hopes our Raider families has a relaxing and restful summer. We look forward to the return to school in the fall. We look forward to your continued support.



Please follow us on IG @AlpharettaPTSA


Thank you to the PTSA Board 2023-2024 for their endless support – Martine Zurinskas, Mona Patel, Patti White, June Swift, Kimberly Wolf, Karen Douglas, Sarika Bokil, Cindy Garcia, Erin Linder, YiHui Lapid, Pam Levy.